
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The One with Ten on Tuesday

1. I kinda miss Ten on Tuesday. A little bit. So I brought it back...just for a week. Maybe.

2. In addition to the super cool concert Jackson got to go to, he also got a super cool new big kid bike. (It was a big week for Jackson). He has asked to ride it every night since he got it.

3. Moosey likes Oreos. And just like his momma he likes to take them apart and eat the centers first. Since he looks nothing like me at all, it's nice to see a little bit of me coming through.

4. My kids are insanely adorable. Just saying.

5. The big boys start school next week, and I am totally finished back to school shopping. I love new school supplies. They make me happy. Especially all labeled and organized.

6. When you have three older brothers it can be hard to find somewhere to sit, so you need to be creative.

7. I am currently finishing up the last book in this crafting/mystery series. It's pretty good. Not as good as Donna Andrews' latest but pretty good.

8. Moosey is still not sleeping consistently through the night. I just don't get it. I love sleeping, Chuck loves sleeping. I just don't know where he gets this aversion to sleep from.

9. College basketball starts back pretty soon. It was nice spending time with my husband and sons, I'll really miss them when Kentucky starts playing again and they ignore me to watch the games. Luckily, the baby isn't addicted just yet. 

10. We have massive amounts of chili peppers to be picked in our garden. I have never, ever used a chili pepper when cooking. So far, Chuck's been taking them to work for a friend of his. I'd like to try to use at least one in a recipe. Does anyone have a good chili pepper recipe?


Stacey said...

I especially love number 4 and number 5. Oh, and number 6 :-)

I'm done school supply shopping. One have one kid to shop for this year (but it was her first real backpack and school lunch box!!). And I had to write her name or initials on EVERYTHING! Each crayon, marker, pencil, etc. I thought of you and your label-maker!

Lisa at Fourth and Ten said...

Oh my goodness! Bryce looks so grown up! Made me about want to cry! I only cried twice on my wedding day. One of those times was when I saw one of my former students, who did programs, all dressed up. I keep thinking she's a second grader, but she's going into sixth grade. I guess I'll always think of Mr. Bryce like that too. ;)