
Saturday, July 3, 2010

The One Where We Took a Toddler To A Baseball Game

Alternate titles for this post could be:
The One Where We Do Something We'll Never EVER Do Again or...
The One Where Moose Nearly Killed Someone

While we were in Indy, we decided to take in a minor league baseball game at Victory Field. Chuck and I have been there in the past and loved it, so we thought the boys would enjoy it too.
We got there early and it was hot and very sunny. It was also knothole league day, so the only seats left where those in the upper deck.
I think that should have been our first indicator that this wasn't our brightest plan.
We made our way to our seats and realized it was blazing hot, so we decided to get some ice cream before the 1st pitch. This was the best part of the night. Sitting in the shade, on soft green grass, eating ice cream.

When it was time for the game to start, we headed back to our seats. Within minutes, we discovered that Moose was incapable of sitting still and that he could scream really loud. (He also has some pretty impressive head-butting skills.)

Chuck and I decided to take turns walking him around the ballpark. During my turns, he screamed for Bryce and Jack. Not mad screams,  just like "Where are you" screams. By the 4th inning, he was DONE. Red-faced, tired, cranky, and DONE.
I went to tell Chuck that it was time to go. And Moose, in a fit of frustration and rage, threw his sippy cup. (And let me just say, the kid has an arm-he gets some serious distance when he throws!) Remember how we were on the upper deck? Yeah, for a moment, everything froze, as I watched the cup sail through the air.
Fortunately, it hit the hand rail and landed on our level. Moose missed sending it over into the lower deck by maybe an inch or two. Yikes! Those poor people in the lower deck have no idea how close they came to injury at the hands of a Moose!

Victory Field was as beautiful as we remembered it and downtown Indy is awesome. But taking a toddler to a baseball game? Not so much. We won't be doing that again anytime soon!

1 comment:

Lisa at Fourth and Ten said...

Well, I may be doing the same calls of desperation for Bryce next year if rumors of my class to be next year are true as well. :)

I love the knew layout of the blog, of course I've been known to watch hours upon hours of Friends on DVD. :)