
Friday, July 2, 2010

The One Where We Went to the Indy Children's Museum

I have to say that my favorite place we went to while on our stay-cation was The Indy Children's Museum. This is probably because I don't really enjoy hiking or sitting around in public with my swimsuit on all day. (Just sayin'.)
I love seeing all of the cool kid friendly exhibits at the museum. I remember going as a kid with Girl Scouts and spending hours in the miniature dollhouse display. (This was also the trip where I developed my intense dislike of Cool Ranch Doritos after another junior scout got carsick.)
Needless to say, there wasn't a lot of dollhouse viewing taking place on this trip-we spent a lot of time with dinosaurs and Etcha-Sketches. Jackson loved getting to dress up and protect his dino-eggs.

The big boys really enjoyed the special exhibit on Egypt-there was a ton of interactive play and interesting things to do. There was also an exhibit on Star Wars-which was a big hit with a certain medium sized kid!

Bryce and I really liked the blown glass area. So cool and colorful.

Moose even got to escape from the stroller and play in the toddler area. (Although I have no idea why they have the water play and sand play areas right next to each other.)

We had a really great time. If you live in the Cincinnati area, I highly recommend making the 2 hour drive to check it out. I hear that they have free admission on the first Thursday night of every month!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Definitely need to check the Indy Children's museum while we're there next year! Our family went when I was a kid, looooong time ago, and the only thing I remember about it is the Indy car. The only reason I remember that is because we have a picture of it!

Love the blown glass. The Bellagio in Las Vegas has a blown glass ceiling in it's lobby - AWESOME!