
Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Moose Turns Four

I can hardly believe it. Our sweet little Moose, the baby of our family, is now four years old. It's been four years since this bundle of energy was placed in our arms and changed our lives.

Brody Edward, you were the missing piece to our family, that one little link that we needed to complete us and make us whole. You have brought such joy and happiness to our lives.
Your laughter and mischievousness are exactly what we needed. I thought as an experienced momma of 3, that I knew what I was doing. Ha! You taught me that I had soooo much to learn. You taught me how to slow down and enjoy each moment (whether I wanted to or not), you taught me that I am absolutely not in control (God has always had a special plan for you), and that sometimes all I really needed to smile was a little boy doing a crab dance for me.

I can see the years slipping past me so quickly now. I'm trying desperately to savor each moment of this journey with you. Your baby years are gone now. There are no binkys, bottles or diapers in this house. No crib or changing table.

I'm not sure it's even fair to call you a toddler at this point. You've just started soccer and you graduated from the Nursery at church. You have suddenly become a little boy. My tiny little Moose is a boy.

I love you so very much, Moose. I love the way you sing when you play video games. I love your sweet chubby little cheeks that are beginning to thin into a little boy face. I love your big blue eyes and your adorable little grin. I love that you want me to read "The Going To Bed" book each and every night, even though you have it memorized. I love that you embrace life and the people around you. There are no strangers in your world (we'll need to work on that). You have so much personality.
I have so many hopes and dreams for you but right in this moment, I hope most that you never lose that-the complete joy of living-you are just so happy all the time-I want that for you, forever.
I thank God every day for you and your brothers. For allowing me to be your momma. For letting me get to know you, to raise you, to have some small part in the amazing men you will become.
I hope you know how much you are loved-it's hard being the youngest of 4, no doubt, but know that your Dad and I love you more than words could ever express.

Happy 4th Birthday Moose Goose! I love you to the moon and back.
Your Momma

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